via This map uses geolocatiion data to plot the density of the 13,000 US McDonald's franchise locations and color to represent the ...
Visualizing The Globally Exploding Internet
There's a great piece in New Scientist depicting the explosion in the internet and bandwidth deployment. Update: a new infographic from the ...
US Job Market Competition Spectrum
I came across an interesting infographic today on the Indeed job site comparing the relative level of competition for job postings by major metro ...
Delivering Bad News To Your Team
We all know that the global economy is going through one of the worst downturns in history, with dramatic impact on almost every business. Many ...
Freemium and Freeconomics: Nothing is “FREE”
As I tell my kids frequently, "NOTHING is free". (Apparently Chris Anderson's new book "FREE" is one exception.) Freemium and Freeconomics are ...