Recently, a friend shared a post with me from Business Insider, entitled How To Use Math To Crush Your Friends At Monopoly Like You've Never Done ...
Root For Your Cinderella Teams
This post is highly time critical, as the sports metaphor around which this whole topic is based is likely to have wound down by the time you read ...
Enabling the Collisions Between The “Slow Hunches” In Your Organization
Recently I've been inspired by some pretty engaging discussions going on on Google+ about the concept of "the connected enterprise" by some big ...
Is The US Living In A Ponziconomy?
Several days ago on a trans-Pacific flight I read two interesting articles in the same newspaper. One was an analysis of the most recent jobs and ...
All of us have had the unpleasant experience of coming across roadkill. Although I've never seen empirical evidence, I'm pretty sure that most of ...
Hierarchy of Visual Understanding
via Although this pyramid is simple, the concepts presented as raw data progresses to information to knowledge and ...
How Do Colors Affect Purchases?
This very cool infographic (Originally hosted at details the many unsuspected ways that color can impact emotion and hence ...
Mile-High Mega Kites Could Pull Giant, Floating Power Plants
via Finally my dream job, commercializing two things I'm passionate about, Wind Energy and Kiteboarding. Take a huge oceanic catamaran, ...
First Derivatives: Are You Getting Better, Or What?
IN A NUTSHELL: Regardless of the subject or the metric, you are either getting better or getting worse, you can't be just "holding your ...
Risk, Part 3 — Vulnerabilities In Your Team
IN A NUTSHELL: Part 3 of a 3 Part Series: Your people are your most mission-critical resources, where do you have blind spots or weaknesses due to ...