I came across an interesting infographic today on the Indeed job site comparing the relative level of competition for job postings by major metro ...
Dolphin Strand Feeding: The Ultimate Display Of Frictionless Teamwork
IN A NUTSHELL: Every day at low tide, South Carolina bottlenose dolphins exhibit amazingly effective teamwork to catch their dinner. We can learn from ...
What Happens When Your Social Media Factory Runs Out Of Raw Material?
Today's Denial Of Service Twitter outage was an annoyance for me, but significantly more serious for others. It was fascinating to watch for me. As ...
Why Board Meetings Should Be Face To Face
(Following was in response to a post on Fred Wilson's A VC blog regarding the imperative of keeping board meetings face to face, rather than ...
Six Questions To Ensure Alignment With Your Team
IN A NUTSHELL: Using this simple quarterly process with your direct reports will ensure that their plans, actions and progress are aligned with yours ...
Who Is John Galt?
On a recent driving trip down the East Coast of Florida, I was surprised and awakened to see the above billboard. Sure, I've seen the occasional "Who ...
Delivering Bad News To Your Team
We all know that the global economy is going through one of the worst downturns in history, with dramatic impact on almost every business. Many ...
The King Is Dead But The Moonwalk Lives Eternally
I have a confession, I've never been a fan of Michael Jackson. Although I liked "Rockin' Robin" as a kid, his music was never really my thing, and MJ ...
How The Average US Consumer Spends Their Paycheck
There's a great infographic posted recently on the Visual Economics Blog. The infographic design itself is good, because it's clean, colorful ...
Good User-Centered Design Starts From A Foundation Of Utility
I first came upon the Target ClearRx concept from a post from Matt May's excellent In Pursuit Of Elegance blog. A sucker for innovative, user based ...